Advanced Air Ambulance is one of a few leading American air ambulance companies that is specialized in Neonatal air ambulance transports. When neonates require urgent medical air transfer to a specialized hospital for a major surgical operation, a medical procedure or simply for an evaluation, Advanced Air Ambulance medflight team facilitates those flights for both neonates and pediatrics ranging from very stable to most critical ones.
The neonatal medical air transport team is licensed and familiar with air and ground medical care. This medflight team may include registered nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, nurse practitioners and/or physicians who have experience in neonatal, perinatal, and pediatric intensive care. However, the medflight neonatal team is determined based on the patient’s needs and the availability of personnel.
We assess and monitor all aspects of the neonatal and pediatric medical air transport program along with periodic review processes. As part of our quality assurance program, continuing education, maintaining all required certifications and all operational issues are deeply imbedded into the safe medflight transfer program.
To assure the success of the program, the medical director is involved in selecting the appropriate medflight staff and their continuing education and training, directing the quality management program and reviewing the newly implemented policies.